What? Is it too much to ask that employees have a chair to sit on? Apparently it is, because while searching the Microsoft Clipart site for photos of computers, I found not just these, but many other pictures of people subjected to the inhumane torture of standing while working on the computer.
Look at the contorted grimace on the face of the grandma lady in the picture. She's like, "only 2 effin' years until retirement you cheap bastards!" Or maybe she just has gas. Or engorged varicose veins. Or a torqued syatic nerve. Whatever. The point is that she's hurting. Badly. All due to her company's greed.
Thank goodness my company doesn't make us stand up while we work! However, we do have an employee "good ideas" box in the lunchroom. Maybe I could suggest it? Imagine the money saved if we cut cut the cost of chairs. I mean, those things ain't cheap! Especially the ones made for our big-boned population, because they not only require extra padding but also extra springs and shock absorbers. Hmmm...do I see a bonus in my future? Perhaps.Now, this lady doesn't seem too terribly upset about having to stand-and-work. I'm guessing she just porked the CFO in the janitor's closet and will be cashing in on her own little bonus. Nothing else would quite explain that smile .
And then this. THIS if freakin' genius in the world of cost-cutting. I mean, not only did this company auction their chairs off to the St. Vincent De Paul, but they're also making these two share a computer AND phone. So out of the box!
Damn that capitalism -- always thinking of the great ideas before I do.
It's more ergonomically correct to compute while standing. Didn't you know that?
OR...maybe these people are so busy that they don't have time to sit...
OR...maybe these people were just caught sneaking up to someone else's computer to send out a rude email to get said other person in trouble. Yeah...you gotta stand to do that...email and run!
maybe they are "spying" on co-workers. Therrfore they must stand. Wait, who on earth would do such a thing?
Tony -- Yes, the S2k aka "sutton 2000" is precisely the chair I was referring to!
Itchy -- I have never done that (sent an email from someone else's computer), but a few coworkers and I did one time hack into our boss's email to find out why one of our coworkers was on FMLA. We were naughty.
Ronda -- LOL. You might call it spying, but I like to call it networking. Ahhhh; what would your "mom" think of our workplace shenanigans?
Oh, Ronda and Vicki!!! I am hoping no one who knows where you work finds this blog. It used to be that you just "saw" a piece of paper sitting on a desk you might find some juicy info. Now, it is probably against the law to "spy" on a co-worker if you use his or her computer to do it. But, you may be right - just don't sit down and you weren't really there. They can't trace your butt print in that fancy S2K chair. If you really want to go to jail, try switching the chair!
Vicki, I've heard of people "spying" on future relatives, but at place of business? I doubt anyone would have the guts to try that.
Do you really need a chair to surf the Internet all day?
So get on your knees. I can stand in one place for hours.
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