Friday, April 28, 2006

Got Milk (that looks like jizz on your lip)?

You know what I hate? Ejaculate-like milk moustaches.

Is it just me, or does this picture make you want to go wash yourself thoroughly and perhaps read the bible? I'm sorry, but this is perverted. "Rock hard"? Creamy, milky substance squirted on parted lips? Exposed navel? Magically suspended guitar case? You do the math. Are we really selling milk here?

Here's a question: when's the last time you drank milk that was the consistency of Soft Scrub (and lived to read this blog)? Do they think that a gelatinous, semen-like white stripe on the upper lip of celebrities is really going to make us want to drink milk? Probably not. It may, on the other hand, make us want to buy a case of Elmer's glue. I see a potential co-branding opportunity here.

I hate to pick on Sheryl, given she's just overcome breast cancer and all, but I'm sorry...what's with the golden cotton candy hair? I actually liked it a lot better on Dolly Parton.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Notice how no one wants to touch this? M

Anonymous said...

I agree, it does seem like an odd thing to promote the product, like advertising a newspaper by showing someone with black smears on their hands from the cheap ink that they use. Plus, I don't understand why people can't just open thier mouth more when drinking a beverage. I have milk almost every day and don't get the nasty mustache.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what that substance *really* is...