What is it? The everlasting dirt line. Why, no matter how many times you scoot the little broom over the lip of the dustpan, is there still a dirt stripe? You can sweep and brush and scoot and glide for hours and still have a hairline dirt crack. They teach you about this kind of thing in school -- you know, in those discussions about infinity. Like, there are an infinite number of numbers, an infinite combination of notes in music, an infinite amount of time in the universe. I don't recall the infinite dirt line as making the discussion on infinity; however, if educators really aim to make the learning experience mirror real life, then I'd certainly suggest it.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go work on yesterday's dirt stripe. Two more days of scooping into the dustpan and I should be ready to mop.
helpful hint... damp a paper towel, and swipe over the line... good luck!
You know what I am going to say: cleanliness is just another way to keep you in your place.
It used to be used by men against women, and now it is used by corporations to force you to buy cleaning products, and the state (Health Laws) in order to keep you too busy to notice what is really going on.
Kevin has some issues. Lighten up a little Kevin!
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