So, you can imagine how dissapppointed I was when I missed the boat on the deal offered in the picture below! (go ahead; scroll down) Dammit! Now I'll have to pay the full price.
I really hate throwing money away.

I'm out to change the world -- one bitter gripe at a time! My blog unearths the social ills of this country, and man, the country is definitely sick! If you think this blog is mean-spirited and brash, then I probably don't like you. But really, it's all in good fun :)
Wow, I can't believe they went down an entire penny! You know how I love a bargain, and I would have been upset to miss out on those savings! We only get a 1/2 cent off most of our clearance items back here!
Wow! Maybe if you waited a couple more days it would go down another penny!
I sometimes see that as well at Safeway (though usually for something like 11 cents savings) and my theory is that the stores are testing to see if shoppers react to sale stickers without actually thinking whether the savings are worth having them buy the item they might not have otherwise at full price. Or they have some statistic they need to meet like "We rolled back prices on 3,000 products" and this counts as one.
You are wise for sleeping in rather than going for the Black Friday mayhem. Any savings is not worth camping out at 4am and risk of trampling, unless you really have no money and nothing better to do because time is money, not to mention the stress.
Because you were so lazy, I bought that item up, thank you!
Emmy's mom -- KC? Is that you?
Itchy -- yes. thanks.
LC -- In general, you can't wait when a "great bargain" presents itself. I'm pretty sure I've missed the boat on this one.
Marc -- interesting theory. Sounds like something out of "freakonomics." So many people really don't look to see that the sale price is actually a good price. In the grocery store, I'm one of those anal retentive freaks who's looking at the 'price per ounce.' Regarding the 'camping out' phenomenon, these people should consider what their hourly worth is and then compute whether this is really financially lucrative.
Tony -- that's true. That penny, in 2030 when I'm set to retire, at an average rate of return of 5%, will be worth....89 cents!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo; I'll save you a seat on the cruise ship!
Kevvy Wevvy -- damn you. I guess now that the feds are taking all your money, you need the bargain more than I!
OMG ... I actually seen that one ... haha ... and was like WTF!! It was several weeks ago and a friend of mine and I just stood there laughing and laughing!!
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