The latest esteem-busting test was for heel spurs, as in "your dense body is crushing your feet." I got an x-ray for that one. Heel spurs? Check.
The worst thing about heel spurs is that my leg swells up like a Walrus flipper. Check out this picture of my

The second worst thing about my heel spurs is that I had to go to Kmart and buy "Cobbie Cuddlers." Have you heard of "Cobbie Cuddlers?" Yeah, they're designed for nurses and fat girls. They're really comfy. Really cuddly.
Unfortunately, the Cuddlers don't come in that many varieties. So, when it comes to footwear, I'm pretty much lookin' like my grammie. Here is a picture of a Cobbie Cuddler in case you can't get the full appreciation. Beautiful, huh? I think Bea Arthur wore these to the Tony Awards once.
I hate to say it, but my Cuddlers are so pleasurable to my feet, that I'm falling in love with them. I can only imagine what's next in my premature fashion aging: some stretch denim, a cross-your-heart bra and a hairnet?
WATCH IT MISS VICKI.............Cuddlers are comfy and stretch denim is comfy...Cross your heart? I don't think you'll be needing to "lift and separate" anytime soon. Luv Ya
stretch denim, hahahaha! HA! Stretch denim!
Not that I care or wear or anything, I am just wondering...I am wondering what YOU think is...fat and stuff about wearing stretch denim. I hear it's comfortable and if you don't mind knee pookies after you stand up...I don't CARE, I am simply WONdering. Whatever, gah, I don't even care!
Catlover -- I didn't mean to offend the cuddlers. I know how you feel about them. I've seen yours on my living room floor many a' time. Now I know. I know about the cuddler love. Today, I needed to go to the store. I wore my running pants, a grungy old t-shirt and my new dress-shoe cuddlers. It was a HOT outfit. HOT I TELL YOU!
Anonymous -- I never said stretch demin was exclusive to we fa-tees. I'm an equal opportunity comfort wearer. Fat, thin, man, woman, ancient, youthful -- we could all benefit from a pair of Cuddlers and some 'leisure jeans.'
Oh my...we used to make fun of the girls with you're ONE of them??? What the heck is a heel spur, anyway???
Andrea -- I know. It's called "karma." I knew that poking fun at the cankly contingent at AMEX would come back to haunt me!
A heel spur is a calcium deposit stuck on your bone. It may as well be glass stuck to the bone. Or nails. Or nails made of glass. My cuddlers are really helping though.
Huh, I don't think I have ever bought Cuddlers and I am a grandmother. But, with Achilles Tendon injuries, I just might give them a try. LC
Hmmm...I wonder if they make stiletto cuddlers.....
LC -- you won't be sorry if you get you some.
Kimmy -- no stilletos that I saw, though they did have some fairly cute black cuddler boots. I've been dreaming about them since my trip to the sKank-Mart.
Now I could get all over those boots!!! Comfort and .. in one?!
Yes, "fashion." That's what we'll call it. Or did you mean "fatshion?" cuz that would work, too.
Found your blog through your husband's blog and I don't know how I stumbled onto his blog;)
Calcium/magnesium supplements helped me get rid of my bone spur. Those things are gawd awful painful in the morning.
BTW, WalkFit insoles are greeeat if you have any pain in your feet or lower back/hips. I've been using mine for about a month now and I love them.
Goddess -- thanks for the tip. I'll have to check that out. Thanks for stopping by.
Okay now, Cobbie Cuddlers are NOT all that bad. I just got these cute black boots with grey fur trim around the tops. SO stylish AND comfortable =] =] is a big supplier of Cuddlers for those of you looking.
lol! With the plantar fascitis I've developed, it's the walk fits most days and cuddlers when I need a break from them. My employees just laughed...
The doctor says I can't use the elliptical anymore- that's what screwed up the foot. I may be stuck in fat-shion forever!
I had a pair of Cuddlers that I found at Rite-Aid (like a Walgreens to those that don't know) and fell in love with them! I had to have black, closed toe for work, so they were ugly enough that my hubby complained even when he wasn't going to be seen with me. Since then Rite-Aid quit carrying them and I have been desperate for comfort! I'm not a granny or overweight, but apparently have a Very sensitive back and hips to my footwear! Cuddlers are the best! I can't remember where a K-mart even is, but I will go if it means Cuddlers! I finally tore the insoles out of my old ones and put them in my running shoes! Worked great for a while! Keep in mind when you want a new look!
I absolutely love cobbie cuddlers. I ran across your blog trying to find a place to buy them other than Kmart. They have a limited supply. I stand on my feet all day working in a school cafeteria. I have turned several people on to these wonderful comfortable shoes.
Haband is really a big supplier of Cuddlers for those of you looking.
I happened stumbled across this blog while looking for cuddlers! I work in a vintage shop and we recently had in a pair of 70's cuddlers that were really cute...little sassy, strappy navy wedges. they were too small for me, but I fell in love and have been on the hunt since. I didnt realize until now that they still made them and I agree...the newer styles dont look so hot, but if you can find a vintage pair in your size, theyre actually pretty cute! Also, aerosoles has a good line of affordable and fashionable comfy shoes and i think they have free shipping.
Hello i love the cobbie cuddlers also i bought a pair from a thrift store that was new not even worn and i want to buy another pair how do i find them and where i would like to buy more if you can assist i would appreciate it i have diabetes and artheritis also other ailments and they are the best
The only place I can find cobbie cuddlers is at Kmart. If there is anywhere else they are available I would like to know also. I have tried to look up the company on the web with no luck.
HEY...that's MY CANKLE you're looking at...and those are MY SHOES, too!! I've had plantar fasciitis in both feet and spent $$$$ on custom shoe inserts that I swear made my back go into serious spasm. I wear a 6.5 wide shoe--a size that NOBODY carries except KMART. I've been looking for a dressy sandal that doesn't have too high of a heel (< 2 in.)and it's just impossible. I've resorted to looking in the children's shoe section where oddly enough size 4.5-5 girls' shoes fit better than women's do. I once owned a pair of Pound Puppy Sneakers!! I'm a fashionista trapped in a 165lb. 5ft 2in frame and it sucks!
DID YOU KNOW SASCH II Cobbie Cuddler has a removeable footbed if you want a cute, cute summer shoe that will accommodate orthodics??? I have spent hours in stores and on the internet trying to find "comfortable" and "attractive" summers shoes to wear with capris and shorts that have removeable footbeds.
Postnote: I have been teaching music (K-8) for 35 years on a cement floor. This wore out the cartlidge in my big toe joints. I missed 4 months of work this last school year and now have Titanium pins which replaced the bottm bone of the big toe joint topped off with a stainless steel hemicap (serving as the new resurface). Two separate and painful procedures, but the frozen toe joints with bone spurs were also a "pain". My new bionic toes are doing great; range of motion is almost normal. My feet are feeling good and looking great protected by my new COBBIE CUDDLERS!! I bought both the black and tan. Two pairs are better than one, right??
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