The issue I have with 'The 80s' being back in style is that 92% of the population of Arizona is still wearing clothes and hairstyles from that decade! Walk onto the campus of any local call center and you'll feel immediately transported to a Tiffany concert. Spiral perms, teased bangs, sun-tanned hoisery. Ouch!
Except now, these spandex-donning-has-beens are on the cutting edge of au couture! And I, in my bootcut pants (I refuse to buy "skinny jeans" in a size 14 -- the irony is too overwhelming), will appear so...last year.
Say it ain't so.
The fact is, it's too soon for the styles of 'the 80s'to come back. I'm a child of that decade, and I haven't even had my 20 year reunion for God's sakes. Didn't we skip a few decades to resurrect? I haven't seen a poodle skirt in my lifetime, yet I'm having to weather the Flashdance fringe-sweatshirt twice? How is that fair?
I just finished growing my hair out --bangs and all. It was pure hell getting there. And it's all for naught! Because in order to be 80's glam, I'm gonna need to taper the sides a bit.
Like this, from my sophomore yearbook:

Go ahead. Make a joke or two about my appearance.
"What do you get when you sandwich a cherrio between two petrified marshmallows? MY EARRINGS!"
"The Flock of Seagulls called -- they said Fred Flinstone wants his hairstyle back!!"
Funny. Yeah, funny. I'm laughin' all the way to Supercuts.
OH...the braces! I've gotta go home and look at my sophomore pictures. Oh lord...the braces. My whole face was braces!
Itchy -- but they sure bring a youthful look to the face, don't they?
Man, the ozone looks like it took a serious hit for the sake of that 80's hair.
Also, don't forget everyone wearing giant orange-tinted sunglasses now. I keep thinking I see cast members from Falcon Crest walking down the street after they somehow found a wrinkle in time.
Marc -- love the observation on the sunglasses. Falcon Crest -- my God! I wouldn't have remembered the show existed were it not for your mention of it. Good times the 80s. Good times.
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