I tried to create a racially harmonious home. Really, I did. We watch Oprah. We rock out to Lenny Kravitz. We eat Neopolitan ice cream.
So, where have I gone wrong? Perhaps we watched too much Full House and not enough Moeesha. Too much Little House and not enough Erkel. Listened to too much Alan Jackson and not enough Michael Jackson.
Ahhh, the pain. The pain and humiliation I will suffer as my 5-year-old starts drawing little swastikas on her first-grade composition notebook. When she begins using sidewalk chalk to draw fiery, burning crosses in the neighbor's driveways.
A pair of scissors and paper towel. Craft-time used to seem so innocent.

In a few years you will be invited to the Jerry Springer Show only find that it is the Grand Dagoness Claire who has brought you there... GBA
Claire is a RIOT.........Everyone, she really is a very sweet girl.
Very funny. I never knew liking Neopolitan ice cream meant I was sensitive to other cultures, but it makes sense. Also, I'll be impressed if you were able to spell "Moeesha" without looking it up somewhere. I totally would have thought an "i" was in there somewhere.
Claire is her own person and a little quirky like her Mom. Don't you remember the pictures you have shown of yourself? Your sisters once asked me when looking at old pictures of you, "Why did you let her dress that way?" You dressed that way because that was what you wanted. Now you are paying the price with your own daughter. M
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