A few days later, lo and behold, someone wrote this in his blog:

"She seems cynical and not happy?" I read in complete annoyance. "Well you seem pustulated and not potty trained" I said to absolutely no one. Then I got to thinking. Maybe this person is right. Maybe I am a little too cynical. Maybe my hatred is taking over my soul. So, I started to reconnect with my nicer side. Started remembering the types of things that used to make me smile. Conjuring up the images that have always rendered me giggly and exultant. Summoning the events in my life that have put a sparkle in my heart. And here's what I came up with:
You know what I love? Sitting outside and letting the wind brush past my face. It almost feels as if I'm being stroked by a feather, or God, or maybe even my dead Aunt Leona. Aunt Leona did have a farm full of chickens, so it's not such a stretch to imagine this. Yeah...it's really a nice feeling.
You know what I love? Puppies. Their little hot breath and their plump little tongues and their wet noses nudging your leg to play and their soft little ears and even the way they eat their own diarrhea. So darned cute :)
You know what I love? That I saw two pigeons rolling around together on the asphalt the other day. I think they were having a tickle fight! I didn't know that pigeons had tickle fights, but I was so happy to learn that they indeed do :)
You know what I love? The beach. I love the way it feels on my feet. Like a pedicure I didn't have to pay for:) I love the way you can look out on the ocean for miles and miles and see absolutely nothing. I love the dead fishy smell -- so ORGANIC. I love the way my palms sweat ever so slightly when I'm on the beach. Not because of the humidity but because I know that out there somewhere, there are critters that can swallow me whole. The circle of life I like to call it. Makes me get goosebumps:)
You know what I love? Magnificient, breathtaking art. The masters really have a way of making we "mere mortals" feel inferior. But remember, gifts come in all types of packages. I certainly like to live by this adage. I may not be the best artist, but my gift is in being an art conniseur. I love art. Art makes my heart beat fast. Sometimes it makes me gasp, for I love to behold its beauty. Here is one of my favorite pieces, by artist unknown.
There's so much more that I love -- I can't possibly mention it all here. But it's with me. In my heart. In my soul. THANK YOU, anonymous, for allowing me to reconnect with my sensitive side. And for all the rest of you, I want to remind you that there is no calling "shotgun" when you're in my car. JESUS is my co-pilot!!!! :)
Haha! People talk about what they like too much in this country. And how do they convey this? "I really like (insert here)." Boy, that is soooo good to know.
My friend went with me to Holland, and every time we stood in front of an older building he would gasp, "Isn't it beautiful?!" "How beautiful!" "It is so beautiful!" It drove me crazy. If you want to dwell on the positive then have something to say!
But these Possies have nothing to say - that is why they are always positive. They don't know why anything is "good" or "beautiful" because they have no sense of proportion, history, context, culture. If they did, they could not help but ALSO notice the bad that is always associated with the "good."
You have something to say. Even when you describe things that you like, you describe using details.
Vicki, Dearest, Please don't ever "cave" again. XXOO
Vic, I didn't buy it for a minute. Even what you love has the cynical piece to it. Anyone who has the pleasure of really knowing you, would see the hated stuff was still there - puppies eaing their diarhea. I could see under those lovely words - you crossing your fingers as you typed it. M
I can't get that pic of the unicorn out of my head! I think about it all the time. It is beautiful!!!! Isn't it beautiful? I just saved it to my hard drive, but I would like to get a copy to frame. Where did you get it?
I swear it was not me who said it... I learned my lesson, the last time I said something constructive about your blog. I enjoy reading about all of the negative aspects in life, that most people are able to overlook. I mean why spend time and energy thinking and enjoying things in life, when you can "hunt" for all the things that get under your skin? DUH ? ? ?
Just kidding Vicki, I couldn't help myself. I am really kidding by the way... Please don't ignore me for a week again!
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